Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Halloween from our cute little kitty

We went to a Halloween brunch at my friend Stasa's house today. Surprisingly, Ms. Thang didn't seem to mind wearing her costume. Hooray!

Anabella and her future boyfriend, Noah. (He's a little younger, but that's all the rage these days.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


We thought it was a good idea to teach Anabella words, but we are now reconsidering. She has it in her cute little mind that "meal" ("milk" to you and me) is what you say when you want something...anything...not just milk. And over the past few days, her desire for things has increased exponentially. So, our little tyrant runs around the kitchen screeching "MEAL, MEAL, MEAL" at least 10 times a day. It's bliss.

Monday, October 23, 2006

These are a few of my favorite things

1. Closing doors -- and then freaking out when I find myself trapped, because I can't open doors.
2. Getting large mouthfuls of water or milk and spitting them onto the floor --then rubbing the liquid into the floor/carpet/hair of dogs, cats, self/etc.
3. Taking off diapers -- and then running, running as fast as I can!

If only I could use all this energy for good.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Two new words in one day

The first new word is "MEAL!" To you and me, it's "milk," but we understand. We've taught her a few signs, so now she can do the sign for milk (which she has interpreted at furiously shaking her fist up and down) while screaming "MEAL, MEAL!" :)

The second word is "nice." She's heard that a lot, because she always beats on our pets and we try to teach her to pet them "nice." So yesterday, while she was thumping the crap out of our cat Eddie, she looks at me and says "NICE!"

No, that's not nice, but good job on learning the word.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The answer is "15 months"

The question is "when do babies learn to lounge around?" She can't say her name, but she can kick back with a bottle of milk and watch Baby Einstein like a champ. :)