Thursday, September 08, 2005

Week 8 -- The Fog is Lifting

According to those who have gone before me, I am two-thirds of the way more sleep that is. (And I am counting the days!) So far, motherhood has been quite a rollercoaster of experiences! Anabella is a super sweet baby...Dan and I are both totally wrapped. She finally has us on a schedule that we like to call "do what I want, when I want."

So, we are sleeping in shifts and doing the best we can to meet her needs. She has started smiling, without the assistance of gas, and had her first belly laugh a week ago...although we had no clue what she was laughing about. Probably just thinking about how she makes us jump through hoops. :) She also said her first word last week..."Ga"...which is the periodic symbol for gallium. I guess she is going to be a scientist.

Current counts:
- Severe headbutts (meaning those that draw blood): Rhonda - 1
- Times we have been "shat" on: Rhonda - 1; Dan - 1
- Pounds to pre-pregnancy weight: Rhonda - 13; Dan - ?
- Average hours of sleep per night: Rhonda - 4.5; Dan - 7 (ARGH!)
- Items bought after watching infomercials and/or Home Shopping Network in the middle of the night: Rhonda - 2