Monday, March 20, 2006

Eight months old and into everything

It was all I wanted a few months ago, but now I know what people mean when they say "be careful what you wish for!" Anabella started crawling at 7 months, and went from 0 to 60 in just a few days. Now, she pulls herself up to standing on anything she can get her little hands on, and has even stood without holding on for a few seconds here and there. So, it's just a matter of time before she is walking and creating more havoc. ;)

What's new...
- She enjoys playing with the wires to our electronic equipment, chasing the animals around (pulling tails is fun too), banging on things, and babbling LOUDLY.
- She is still all smiles and is a joy to take out in public. Everyone stops to talk to's amazing to see what a smiling baby does to people.
- She said her first word the day after she turned eight months old, but it hasn't been heard again since. My mom was here, so I have a witness that she actually said "hi" in a very calm and adult manner. Since then, it is more like "HHHHHHIIIIIIIEEE."
- Her two bottom teeth have been in for a few months, but one of her top teeth just broke through today. I feel that the breastfeeding might be coming to an end soon...woohoo!
- I have attempted to teach her how to kiss, but apparently she thinks she is French...she tongue kisses everything, including herself in the mirror (see photo) and yes, I have caught her trying to tongue kiss Winston on several occasions. Yuk.

As for mommy, well apparently I am still referring to myself in the third person, which I find completely annoying. I killed the Chia herb garden in a matter of weeks. I am getting more sleep, but still find myself buying things from infomericals, which leads me to believe it might be an addiction. (ask me about my new PetVac or my Scunci Steamer!) I have officially been vomited on, so I think I deserve some sort of medal for that. I still haven't lost those last pregnancy pounds, but for some reason I don't care very much. I have almost finished a whole book, which hasn't happened in about...8 months. And I am still taking almost daily trips to Target, where I drink Starbuck's and spend money on stuff I don't need. So, I guess life is pretty good.

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