Wednesday, November 29, 2006

No DNA Test Necessary

This is definitely my child! Today, she very carefully took her sippy cups off the table (one of ice water and one with milk) and then WIPED UP the condensation with a paper towel. HOLY CRAP! Just when I thought I couldn't love her more. :)

We've been practicing what to do with tissues and what to do with paper towels. Apparently, they have been "cleaning" with tissues at MDO. Well, here at home, she decided to wipe her nose with a tissue and then "clean" with it. Eeek!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you love that? Dooce (the queen of mommy bloggers) once wrote about her daughter carefully wiping each strand of spaghetti clean of sauce with a wet wipe before she would eat it. Our neurosis just seem so darn cute when they come pint sized!

By the way - based on your book selections (in the profile) I think you would really love Ahab's Wife. It's just a great book that imagines what life was like for the wife of Ahab left back on the shore while I was off looking for his whale.